Top 10 Most Popular Real World Applications of IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) was among the technologies alien for most countries in the world, however, its penetration has increased to a whole new extent, giving rise to the development of ‘intelligent’ and ‘smart’ devices. As convenience and efficiency are becoming a priority in most applications, the integration of IoT will boost innovation more than ever in the coming year.

In most practical applications of IoT, the heart of the circuit includes a microcontroller, a temperature sensor, a communication protocol, and a power supply. With the recent advancements in sensor technology, designing more circuits for more precise applications has become possible.

This article discusses the top IoT applications that will enjoy immense success in 2020, and about the basic electronic components/modules used with IoT that are integrated into these circuits. The article gives real-time examples of state-of-the-art AI applications and innovations launched by market leaders, indicating the emerging trends in the landscape.

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