ESP32 LoRa Communication using Arduino IDE

ESP32 LoRa Communication using Arduino IDE
The IoT industries introduced lots of technologies, but none of them was ideal for IoT devices, as they needed to transmit information to a long distance without using much power until the LoRa technology was introduced. LoRa Technology can perform very-long range transmission with low power consumption. According to Industry analyst IHS Market by 2023, 43% of all LPWAN connections will be based on LoRa. LoRa Technology is flexible for smart cities, smart homes, smart agriculture, smart metering, and smart supply chain & logistics applications. 

Previously we learned about LoRa technology and interfaced SX1278 Lora Module with Arduino. Now we will replace the Arduino, and use ESP32 with the SX1278 LoRa module. Here two LoRa modules will be interfaced with two ESP32 Boards to send and receive data packets from one board to another. ESP32 is a very popular Wi-Fi transceiver and microcontroller, learn more about ESP32 and its working by going through various IoT applications built on it.

Components Required

  • ESP32 (2)
  • LoRa -02 SX1278 Module (2)
  • 16*2 LCD Module (2)

SX1278 LoRa Module
SX1278 LoRa Module

Circuit Diagram

Circuit diagrams for the LoRa ESP32 based transmitter and receiver are given below. In this project, we are going to exchange data between two ESP32 modules using the LoRa SX1278 module. Transmitting side LoRa module will send a ‘Hello’ to the receiver side LoRa with a counter. This message can be easily replaced with any sensor data.

Interfacing LoRa with ESP32- Transmitting Side
On the transmitting side, ESP32 is connected with the LoRa module and 16*2 LCD Display. Here an I2C module is used to interface the LCD with ESP32. The interfacing of the ESP32 with LoRa and 16x2 LCD module is shown below. A push-button is also interfaced with ESP32 to start sending the data to the receiver.
ESP32 LoRa Communication Sender Circuit Diagram
