IoT Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener using NodeMCU ESP12E

IoT Garage Door Opener using NodeMCU ESP12E
Here we are building a Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener Circuit using NodeMCU and DC Motor which can be controlled using a webpage. This webpage will also display the status of the door whether it is closed or open. NodeMCU ESP12E is very similar to the more popular ESP8266 module, so NodeMCU ESP8266 can also be used for this project. Check more IoT projects on NodeMCU ESP8266 here.

Components Required:

  1. NodeMCU (ESP-12e)
  2. L298 motor driver or Relay Module
  3. DC motor
  4. Jumper wires.
L298D motor driver module has an inbuilt 5v supply but if you are using L293D IC, then you have to make a 5v power supply circuit using 7805 IC.

Circuit Diagram

Complete circuit diagram for Smart Garage Door Opener is given below:
Smart Garage Door Opener Circuit Diagram

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